Progress monitoring software
Effortlessly generate a comprehensive overview of student progress against developmental milestones across any curriculum framework

Valentina Secara, Acorns
"Kinderpedia is a very easy-to-use, professional tool, that empowers teachers to evaluate children's progress on the go and share their achievements with parents in real-time."

Sofia Borges, BGA
"Kinderpedia builds a student's responsibility and autonomy, which is something that for us BGA is to extremely important."

Andreea Panait, Cambridge School of Constanta
"Kinderpedia helps us a lot in communicating with the school and allows us to have a much clearer picture of our children's activities and progress."

Easily access progress monitoring templates and reports
Make observations on-the-go in your predefined child progress templates. Download them effortlessly any time during the school year, to obtain an accurate assessment of each student’s level.
Compare progress reports across various academic years to draw a prediction of future progress.
Kinderpedia helps you understand if your teaching strategies are effective and empowers teachers to create personalised learning activities.

Wonder how students can monitor their own progress?
Kinderpedia supports children in their educational journey with a secure tool designed to meet their learning objectives.
Thanks to the efficient collaboration and communication features available in their dedicated Kinderpedia app, students take control of their educational objectives, tasks and deadlines.
The simple and intuitive interface helps children become autonomous and responsible, but also motivated and engaged.

Ease parental anxiety about their child's progress
Teachers can register observations about children’s progress on the fly, assess them according to their own curriculumand elaborate individual learning plans for each student.
Progress reports can also be shared with parents,enhancing family participation in education and maximizing the potential of every student.
Tailored features for a more efficient student progress monitoring
Progress templates
Quick observations
Observations overview
Progress reports
Learning journals
Lesson planning
Progress updates for families
Child portfolio
Apart from the classic written and oral tests, or homework as forms of student evaluation, noting down observations during classroom activities has always come in handy.
And Kinderpedia helps educators make these observations faster, more accurate and with better traceability across school years compared to pen and paper observations.
Kinderpedia‘s student progress monitoring features allow educators to make on-the-go observations which are safely stored in progress templates defined according to your curriculum. Child progress templates easily turn into child portfolios. And progress plans are conveniently accessible anytime and easy to download and share with parents, whenever necessary.
The best way to monitor children’s development in your school or child care centre depends on your learning framework and the students’ profiles. In our podcast, professor Kevin Bartlett emphasised the importance of providing alternative forms of assessment and distinguishing between assessments for sorting learners and those for improving learning.
Kinderpedia helps teachers make faster, more accurate observations with better traceability than pen and paper. The templates and progress plans in the web platform and app provide a quick overview of observations against developmental milestones over time, making it easier to track children’s development.
4 easy steps
towards a digital school


