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What's new in the latest version of Kinderpedia

What's new in the latest version of Kinderpedia

The latest version of the Kinderpedia app is now available. We've added new features inspired by our users' everyday experience, such as entering the temperature at check-in, motivating phone absences, voice recording function, or scheduling homework for a future date. These simplify teachers' work and help parents keep up with their children's work at school and kindergarten. Find out how each one works and test them now on Kinderpedia! 


Kinderpedia's newest features for teachers

Add temperature at check-in

In today's environment, where health and safety measures are much higher, such an option is extremely useful to ensure that all rules are followed and to give parents peace of mind that their children are safe at nursery or school. Once the teacher takes attendance, they have the option to add the temperature for all children present on a slider. If a child has a high temperature recorded, they are automatically listed as absent.


Reason for absence directly from the phone

In addition to the daily timeline functionality, which is extremely useful for teachers, this option allows teachers to motivate an absence with a single tap on the daily timeline. The reason for the absence can be selected from the dropdown menu. In this way, both teachers and parents save time and are always aware of the student's attendance status.


Voice recording function when adding homework

In addition to the file formats already available, teachers can use short voice recordings to provide additional details or guidance on homework uploaded to the platform. This option saves teachers time and gives students extra help in doing homework properly.


Scheduled homework

With this option, teachers can schedule homework and projects to become available to students at a date set by the teacher. They can match lessons to the pace at which students are progressing through the material and have a much clearer view of where the class is at and can make realistic predictions of future homework and activities.


 The latest Kinderpedia features for parents and pupils      

Voice recording

Within the quick message, homework, and document modules, the parent or student can add a voice file. This saves parents time by sending audio messages to teachers and allows students to supplement homework with audio resources to support their work and give the teacher or classmates additional explanations.  


Private homework discussions

The student or family can have a dialogue with the teacher about a graded homework, right in the homework section. In this way, additional clarification can be obtained, which makes communication much more efficient and saves time that can be used to the child's advantage. 


The parent sees the child's temperature in the app

One of the aims of the Kinderpedia app is to ensure effective, trust-based communication between parents and the nursery or school their child attends. With this option, when the child is marked present and their temperature is added, it becomes visible to the parent in the daily timeline section. In this way, parents are always informed about their child's health.   


We stay permanently connected with the needs of our users

One of the aspects most appreciated by Kinderpedia users is the constant adaptation of the app to their immediate needs. Our team is in direct contact with teachers and parents. We identify needs, and challenges and make regular updates to meet the most important requirements of school and kindergarten managers, teachers and parents. The latest version of the app includes several useful features for day-to-day work that simplify the work of teachers and help parents keep up with their children's work at school and kindergarten.


Update the Kinderpedia app today

With the new features, Kinderpedia users - teachers, parents, and pupils - benefit from the advantages of technology and can organize their time and activities more efficiently.


Update your Kinderpedia teacher app in the AppStore or GooglePlay now. 

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