How the leader establishes responsible communication within the team
The second module of the programme outlined how to build and strengthen teams in early education. In the last session of the module, Helen O'Donoghue discussed how a leader can establish responsible communication with team members in order to weld the team. Responsible communication refers to those discussions that may be considered 'uncomfortable' but which, when conducted in a constructive way, can help strengthen relationships within a team.
The premise a leader should start from when setting up responsible communication with his/her team is collective responsibility
Educational leaders are responsible for creating an environment that is conducive to providing the team with all the resources needed to achieve the objectives set and to ensure that the educational work is of high quality for the benefit of the children. It is therefore important for team members to get to know each other, to form stable and qualitative relationships on a personal level, which lay the foundations for professional communication. People do not find it easy to communicate, so establishing communication should start from some essential questions: Why do we avoid communicating? What is the worst that can happen if we say what we have to say? What about the best thing? What can be changed?
Difficult and challenging topics of conversation take us out of our comfort zone and can trigger a fear of conflict or disrupting the atmosphere between colleagues. However, ignoring these discussions can have far more damaging effects. Unresolved issues don't go away, they intensify. To lay the foundations for healthy communication it is important to separate the person from the behaviour and discuss strictly the problematic situation or the disturbing behaviour/attitude.
In this way, a leader can put forward their point of view, which is to the benefit of the whole team, but also to the educational benefit of the students. There is no magic method of leadership, the leader tests several methods and models of communication in order to achieve healthy and effective communication within the team.
Once the conversation is open, the leader needs a scenario that anticipates the other person's responses and considers several options. Responses can be confirming, denying, defensive, reacting emotionally or avoiding. The aim at this stage is to respond to the other person's counter-arguments without compromising the conversation.

Leadership for Education serves as an introduction to a number of key educational leadership strategies.
To ensure responsible communication, Helen O'Donoghue recommends the model known as Nephi Art
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