Oana Moșoiu, University of Bucharest: "A teacher has an impact if he communicates on two levels: the educational content and the interpersonal relationship."
For World Teachers' Day, we asked passionate teachers in the Kinderpedia community some questions about the qualities and vision of a good teacher. Discover below the answers of Oana Mosoiu, university lecturer at Univerisity of Bucharest.
In your view, what is the impact of a good teacher on a child's future?
A teacher has an impact if he or she is able to communicate on two levels: the educational content dimension (the teaching of his or her subject) and the interpersonal dimension (emotions, thoughts). The educational act cannot be meaningful without one of the two dimensions: neither the interpersonal relationship is educationally fulfilled without the didactic content, nor the didactic content without the foundation of the interpersonal relationship.
What are the key attributes and competencies of a good teacher?
Specialist in his/her subject (good teacher), experienced pedagogue, user of technology, good communicator and interpersonal availability.
What the teacher of the future will look like (ed. 20-30 years from now)
A facilitator of learning and curator of content and learning experiences available with the support of technology. Advisor and mentor, learning partner.
What about education as we know it today do you think will stand the test of time (ideas, philosophies, practices etc)?
Education is a set of learning outcomes acquired in varied, flexible contexts, autonomously or under the guidance of a learning professional, with an impact on each individual's success at personal, social and professional levels.
What do you see as the role of technology in education - now and in the future?
Technology - provides access to varied learning and knowledge content and experiences, mediates learning, makes education more flexible and accessible, complements the experience provided by teachers, supports teaching-learning-assessment approaches, supplements and replaces formal learning where it is not possible or vulnerable.
A classroom experience you will never forget.
In 5th grade a math teacher came in and worked with an overhead projector and wrote on projected sheets on the wall. It was so fascinating the machine and the whole thing was so futuristic, with the teacher writing with black marker on the foil while everything was projected on the wall in real time, that even though I was staring at the white, lighted spot on the wall, writing after the teacher, my mind was really only on that machine to understand how it worked. I missed the whole beginning of middle school math...
What was your first day as a teacher like?
Very exciting. I felt like I was still a student, and it seemed very strange for me to sit in the teacher's chair and be called "teacher lady". I didn't even use the desk for the first few years and always asked students to call me by my first name, given the small age difference.
What was your first day at school like as a child?
I don't really remember the first day of school, but I remember the beginning of the school year in the following years. A little cool, the sun through the yellow leaves, the hustle and bustle of the schoolyard, the parents and their excitement, us kids, small and confused... where does our classroom belong in the playground? The big school, the long corridors, the too many and too big students. Alternating silence - noise, lessons - breaks, uniforms, discipline and... pupil mischief.
What's your role model in the area of education?
My teacher and mentor, Professor Dan Potolea, for the way he maintained a balance between rigour and professionalism, while being approachable and approachable. I appreciated the way he managed to deal with many complicated things at the same time and made time to work with us younger people, giving us the opportunity to express ourselves as young professionals.
A book you would always reread with pleasure is... Malcolm Gladwell, The Tipping Point. How small things can cause big changes.
Who is Oana Moșoiu?
Oana Moșoiu is a university lecturer, PhD in Educational Sciences and holder of courses in Theory and Methodology of Educational Evaluation, Social Policies for Child and Family, Social Pedagogy, coordinator of Professional Practice at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences.She is the initiator of the educational program for parents, Family School, she is involved in the recognition of learning outcomes obtained through volunteering and developed the VoluntPass certificate together with the VOLUM Federation.
This year, UNESCO is celebrating International Teachers' Day under the slogan "Transforming education starts with teachers".
We asked teachers in the Kinderpedia community how they see the role of the teacher in education today and in the future. Their answers have resulted in a new column on the Kinderpedia blog called Teachers of the Future.
So we invite you to discover ideas, find inspiration and join a community of teachers who value education.
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